The cuisine of Ecuador - South America

South America Ecuador EC

The foods of Ecuador

The typical food of Ecuador include:
Plantain Chips:
Plantain chips are a very satisfying snack. A plantain looks like a banana, and tastes a bit like a sweet potato.
Aji is an Ecuadorian hot sauce served with many dishes, given that the food is rarely spicy.
Menestra is a bean side dish, a bit like chili; only it’s not spicy and doesn’t have any meat.
is deep fried fish in a grated plantain flour, topped with fresh red onions and tomato with lemon juice and a special mayo. Corviche is typically served on Ecuador’s coast.
Higos con Queso (Figs and cheese)
This is a popular dessert, candied figs with local, unsalted, soft cheese.
Ecuador - See the recipes Appetizer recipes coming soon
Main recipes coming soon
Side dishes recipes coming soon
Dessert recipes coming soon

Cooking in Ecuador

Ecuador desserts